Since it's launch back in 2006, Twitter has become a leading pioneer in the world of social media. Bloggers in particular find this service an invaluable tool for syndication, news stories and community conversation.
For this post, I have rounded up 16 of the most useful tools, tips and free resources to help you get the most out of Twitter through your Blogger powered blog.Display your Latest Tweets
Visitors to your blog may also enjoy reading your Tweets, particularly if they are of relevance to your blog's niche subject.
Here is a selection of the best tools for displaying Twitter updates in your Blogger layout:The Official Twitter Badges
Twitter provides an animated "Profile" badge which you can use to display your latest updates as a widget in your blog layout:
You can configure the size, colours and number of updates for your badge in the settings, then grab the code which can be pasted in an HTML/JavaScript widget in your Blogger layout page.
Another alternative is the Twitter "MySpace" gadget, which uses Flash to create a different appearance to the gadget:
We can copy the code generated for this widget and paste into an HTML/JavaScript widget in our blog - it's not limited only to MySpace profiles!Blogger Widgets and Gadgets
Another way to display your Twitter updates is to install a Blogger widget or gadget in your layout. These can be configured to display as few or many Tweets as you choose, and require only your Twitter username to install:
Simple Twitter Updates Widget
This was the first Twitter application I created for use with Blogger blogs and still remains one of the most popular tools on the site! To install, simply fill out the form and click "Add Widget" to install automatically in your layout.
Twitter Gadget for Blogger (EN)
This gadget works in much the same way as the Twitter Updates widget but is simpler to install and can be reconfigured after installation.
Twitter Updates Gadget (ES)
Daniel Ikeda has made a Spanish translation of my Twitter Gadget for easy installation.TwitSig - Your Tweets in Pictures
TwitSig is an interesting free service which allows you to display your latest Twitter update as an image. You can add this in your layout as either an HTML/JavaScript widget (using the code generated on the TwitSig homepage) or as an Image gadget using one of the alternative backgrounds.
Here's an example of the default Twitsig badge:
This one uses magnets:
Here's another using a fortune cookie:
Visit TwitSig to generate your own updating Twitter updates image.Add a "Follow Me" Badge
Twitter Follow Badge by Go2Web"
To encourage your blog readers to follow you on Twitter, try adding a "Follow Me" badge which links to your Twitter profile page.
Here are some useful tools and badges which you can use to add a linked "Follow Me" badge to your Blogger layout:
Here's a new and interesting way to add a non-intrusive "follow me" badge to your site, like this:
The badge can be configured for different colour schemes, height from the top of the page and left/right alignment.
To add the badge to your Blogger blog, visit the TwitterFollowBadge page and fill in the form to your requirements. This will generate some JavaScript code which you should add just before the closing
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